Online Insurance, Roadtax & Takaful

Instant Takaful / Insurance policy activation with roadtax renewal option.

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Please WhatsApp us at +601121922709 for vehicles with no license plate

Experience the future hassle-free insurance and roadtax renewal with our user-friendly online platform, ensuring instant confirmation, secure transactions and anytime access to your policy details while making a positive impact on the enviroment.


Anytime, Anywhere: Renew your insurance and road tax hassle-free, 24/7, from the comfort of your home or on the go.


Swift Renewals: Say goodbye to waiting in lines! Complete your renewal in minutes with our quick and easy online process.

Secure Transactions

Safe and Sound: Your payments are secure. Renew online with confidence, knowing your transactions are protected.

Instant Confirmation

Instant Peace of Mind: Receive immediate confirmation of your renewal, ensuring your coverage and road tax are up to date.

Access to Information

Easy Access: View and manage your policy details effortlessly online. Everything you need, at your fingertips.

Environmental Impact

Go Green: Embrace eco-friendly renewal. Join us in reducing paper waste by renewing your insurance and road tax online.